This case study shows how you can earn instant profit with affiliate offers with low payouts and how this advertiser made it work with a push campaign achieving positive ROI and substantial profilt for a relatively short campaign duration.
The affiliate program for this specific offer is focused entirely on eCommerce offers native to Germany, there are about 10 different brands marketed through the affiliate link which are rotating evenly and can be measured accordingly.
The payout for the offer was a hybrid low payout with a revenue share element based on sales generated by the newly generated users.
For this offer, there were about 10 different shops in rotation, all with the same flow and processing capabilities, but different products and verticals of shops. Some examples were CBD, Liqueur, Home improvement, Perfume, and electronic products.
Since this was a straight-forward popunder campaign then there’s not much to say for ad creatives as the landing pages themselves are the creatives.
Since the payout was pretty low and I had to build a user base before I could rely on the revenue share element of the sales generated by users who do register and buy products then I had to start with the lowest bid possible so I can start building whitelist for performing ad placements, and blacklists for non-performing publishers. EZmob delivered because I could get enough inventory on a relatively low bid, and start building my lists with them. I started with the lowest bid allowed for popunder creatives which is $0.20 CPM and raised where I saw potential.
Once the campaign started receiving some traction I consulted my account managers at EZmob and together we’ve started segmenting the supply of my campaigns into buckets of higher quality and lower quality feeds which I changed my bids on accordingly. This really made the change and my campaign started opening up to better quality inventory which resulted in a higher conversion rate.
I started duplicating campaigns and testing out specific landing pages which seemed to perform even better and were able to maximize my profit on this offer for the time it was active.
When you run a few thousand offers as I had, you feel the real treat is low payout offers. Understanding the user flow allows you to assess your risk and spend accordingly, and popunder advertising comes into these types of offers in a great way. Low payouts mean low margins which means you need to start with low bids. Popunder bids of under $0.30 CPM will usually give you enough room for error and there’s always enough inventory with pops, even if you target specific carriers.
Learn how to setup popunder campaigns and more about campaign management on EZmob’s Helpdesk