This article is a detailed guide to distinguishing a quality Popunder and a Popup Traffic. Let’s start with what pop traffic is. This is the term used for both popups and popunders. These are the visitors and traffic that come to your site through the launch of popup ads.
Many popup networks offer ad placement services and popunder traffic services.
Your website traffic source determines whether targeted traffic is intended to identify and promote the service to people whose browsing patterns and Internet usage indicate that they may be interested in it or provides high exposure volume for all demographics.
You probably come across popup or popup ads using the Internet, even if you do not know what it is.
Popups are windows opened on a computer screen due to performing any operation to place advertising messages online. Popups ads appear in the foreground or background. The latter is a more sophisticated method of distributing unwanted advertising messages for the user since it does not attract the user’s attention until the active window is closed, making it difficult to determine the source of the popup window. It is necessary to use this type of advertising with caution to interest the visitor and not cause the opposite effect.
PopUnder is an ad format presented in the form of a pop-up banner, it automatically appears when you click on the site, but that’s not all. When you click the “close” popunder button, the advertising page opens in a new browser window.
Quality popunder traffic has undeniable advantages over other formats:
When you open a website page with a pop-up code, a window with advertiser information appears. The visitor, one way or another, must interact with the advertisement, at least to close it.
But even a closing button can lead to the advertised product page (optional). This expresses the aggressiveness and obsession with a method that cannot be ignored.
A quality popunder traffic technology is less intrusive (at least, it does not interfere with browsing the site). Its essence lies in the fact that in the central part of the site page, when it is loaded, a banner appears, which remains static when scrolling.
Closing it leads to activating the advertiser’s page, but it imperceptibly lies under the site’s pages and remains unnoticed until the user closes the active window.
These differences are critical when choosing an ad format for a specific product.
It is important to critically evaluate the type of traffic this will lead to if you plan on using pop-up offers to promote your services and drive quality traffic to your site.
It is important to make sure that pop advertising is beneficial because often a fee is charged for each click, bringing you a lot of traffic, which may not lead to a result in the acquisitions.
It’s important to do your research to find out which sites your ads will appear on and, if possible, select sites whose users are also interested in what you have to offer when you plan to work with a pop-up network or quality pop-up traffic source.
Choosing a quality pop-traffic source can be tricky. There are a number of criteria to look out for:
EZmob is one of the best Display and Mobile Advertising networks. We provide quality popunder traffic, and monetization for website owners and SSPs and enable advertisers, agencies, and app developers with access to over 1 Billion users
Gain unlimited worldwide volume at a competitive bid with Pop-under ads. Generate guaranteed conversions with affordable bids, worldwide reach, and premium inventory via EZmob’s Self-Serve Advertiser.
Affiliate traffic source is the platform through which users, subscribers, and potential customers go to your website, blog, or social media page. Every visit to your blog, website, or social media page can be traced back to its source. This origin is what we call a “traffic source”.
Affiliate traffic sources can be free or paid, depending solely on your desires as a marketing partner.
When you fully understand what pop traffic sources are, what types are available, and which one you need to maximize your profits as an affiliate marketer, you can shape and modify your Social Media Optimization, Search Engine Optimization, search engine, search engine marketing, and general monetization strategy!
Whatever vertical you are currently in, go out and launch your campaign in about five new geographies over the next two days.
Create a test, run traffic to every campaign and check which one does the best to make money with pop ads. It would help you to make your traffic more quality.
You should have at least two campaigns launching regularly. The more you could launch, the quicker you’ll understand what’s working and what’s not.
For instance, a campaign does poorly on one source but offers a 100% return on investment on another source. That does not indicate the first source was bad. Instead, it was not the ideal fit for the campaign. Not every source make money with pop ads.
You can target by either mobile or Wi-Fi carrier. Even certain mobile carriers could be targeted. But keep in mind that you can also target through Blacklisting ISPs at the campaign level.
Different strategies have their pros and cons. Do your duty and research if you like to have a better understanding of every marketing strategy for quality popunder traffic. Only then can you pick one or combine which best works for you.
Which of these methods for advertising with pop traffic would you plan to do today? Start your pop ads campaign today with EZMob!
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