In this review we’ll take a look at Binom Tracker, we will attempt to take a good look at the features offered by Binom as well as some disadvantages. Affiliate marketers are dependent on the quality of 3rd party affiliate tracking platforms to make sure they’re spending their budget wisely. Having a technology that literally doesn’t work for you is not just a waste of time, it’s a huge waste of money.
Affiliate trackers are important to media buyers since they allow scaling your marketing efforts with key insights that should float to where you can take action on them, as well as providing you transparent data about your marketing activities and ongoing ROI. Having a great tracker that is 100% is a goal, but getting fast insights from your tracking platforms should not be discounted. We feel Binom is a service that is able to do both well, not just do them, but along with a great UI, transparent reporting, and low discrepancy rates, you should pay attention to Binom.
You may know many affiliate tracking software solutions, we’ve written more than a few reviews about ones like Skro, CPV Lab Pro, and Voluum for example in the past since many of our clients work with these platforms. Binom is another popular tracking platform among our clients and it’s time to review it as well.
Let’s start with the obvious reasons media buyers and affiliates should track with tracking platforms:
Binom helps you do all these points and more. Their software is designed to be easy to navigate and very friendly to its users. let’s go over their features and see specifically what you can get out of using their affiliate tracking technology.
One clear advantage that Binom has over the rest is not pricing you for clicks. That’s amazing since old veteran affiliate marketers remember not sleeping some nights expecting their click count to bury them since each overhead click can cause you a couple of cents, not looking at your tracking platforms for over a couple of hours can mean you now owe thousands of dollars for some rogue campaign even through you haven’t earned anything. That’s a great advantage for the Binom tracker, even if your campaigns are overspending and sending you bad clicks Binom won’t charge you for those, send as many clicks as you want and test click-rich campaigns like popunders and pop ads where click counts are enormous and still you’ll pay the same.
Things can get complicated with tracking systems in general, the nice thing about Binom is that there was a lot of thought invested in the user interface so that it takes fewer clicks to do what you want to do. The hierarchy of Binom’s platform is very intuitive and you don’t need to go through a lengthy training process to understand where everything is. So it actually. is quite easy to get your first campaign off the ground as you start.
This is not unique to Binom tracker as each of the tracking platforms popular today is already implemented with a different mixture of companies that enable their clients to swiftly launch trackable campaigns with. There are over 80 different ad networks already integrated within the Binom tracker, so all you need to do is find the network you like working with, click add traffic source, and since it’s already integrated Binom has the ad network MACROS already on file so you can keep using the tracking parameters given by Binom and Binom will sort out the passing of data with the MACROS on their side. You can also set up a new ad template if the network is not on the list. Check out Binom’s list of integrated sources, EZmob among them.
A product needs to have great support, but also allow its users to find answers on their own without waiting. Binom documentation is impressive, check it out on their ‘docs’ section in the top navigation bar or click here to read. Binom’s documentation includes all the basic information on how to get started, but also top level info that may be used by developers who are looking to use Binom’s API services and integrated themselves for reporting or editing reasons. A decent documentation center shows that the Binom’s product owners care about their product and the users using it.
A pretty outrageous claim, but Binom’s team is not afraid to make it. When you deal with ad servers in general you can always expect some discrepancies to happen between different technologies which may use different protocols and algorithms.
As marketers, we always prefer to know more than to know less. Binom helps with enabling over 26 groupings or measures you can segment your reporting data by allowing you to get a very clear overview or very detailed understanding when you need it.
The standard reports will provide you with conversion data, campaign analysis, funnel analysis, and traffic source breakdowns. You may also download reports and export them in CSV, PDF, and XLS formats or just schedule when you want these reports to be sent over to you by email.
Binom breaks down data to the following measures:
among other parameters.
For each click in the Binom tracker, up to 10 different events can be assigned in the form of numerical values. You can pass them from anywhere using GET-parameters event1-event10:
Having a powerful tracking system such as Binom doesn’t just let you track, you should also be able to affect the traffic in a way that better-converting offers will receive more relevant traffic and non-performing publishers or placements will continuously receive less traffic which may be used somewhere else like a different offer that actually converts for that publisher. Binom allows you to set up intuitive rules based on clicks, leads, and metrics such as conversion rate and EPC since the integration is already done for you and if you pass conversion values already with each conversion or even clicks that are tracked then it is highly beneficial for you to use rules for your benefit.
Binom‘s team can be contacted directly by support tickets, email and telegram for fast support, they are very attentive and the quality of support you can expect to receive from them is nothing short of amazing.
Binom tracker is among the top 3 biggest tracking platforms by traffic flow in the world, Voluum is the biggest one, but Binom’s pricing makes it a very attractive contender, also, Binom doesn’t fall short of any of the features the other tracking platforms are given and also comes without any click restriction or penalties for simply passing traffic which makes it probably the best tracking platform for any size affiliate.
Learn how to setup popunder campaigns and more about campaign management on EZmob’s Helpdesk