Popup or popup ads are very straight-forward to set up and start running traffic. Understanding how to buy pop traffic starts after the traffic has started to flow. Nevertheless, setting up a campaign properly is vital to be able to optimize it later on. In this post, we’ll go over the steps to take to set up a pop or popunder campaign on EZmob’s Self-Serve dashboard.
Firstly, you’re going to need an advertiser account on EZmob’s platform, register through this link.
You can fund your account later, here’s a quick walkthrough on how to easily fund your advertiser account.
Before we start to learn how to buy pop traffic or to start setting up any campaign, make sure you’ve got a good hold on the following advertising details
Answering the above questions should prepare you for a swift campaign setup process.
Before we head over to the campaign management interface, let’s take an example app we’d like to market, and set it up to go live.
Again, no matter what you plan to promote and where (Google Ads included), you must know, as a minimum, the below items, here’s an example of a CPL (cost-per-lead) campaign available at the time with the relevant payouts.:
Read more about setting converting affiliate offers.
OK. Now It’s time to buy pop traffic by setting up our pop campaign.
Now that you’ve started to learn about how to buy pop traffic, Read all about how to set up a pop campaign in step 2, how to set up a pop campaign.
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