Popunder networks are ad networks focused on the buying and selling of desktop and mobile traffic served through popunder ads. They differ from the traditional display, or banner, ad networks in the low bid they can traffic for and the huge volume of traffic coming in from popunder networks.
EZmob is a leading popunder network ever since 2013. Join us as an advertiser and promote your affiliate offers and generate conversions, leads, and sales. Join us as a publisher to monetize your website inventory with popunder ads from direct advertisers and premium ad exchanges.
Popunders, also called onclick popunder ads, is a new tab window that opens behind the active website the user is browsing. The advantage with popunder ads over the traditional popup ads is that they have a certain ‘wow’ factor when the user is done browsing and closes his browser only to find a shiny new casino offer.
Popunder advertising is disruptive, or more correctly intrusive, but it does get the job done and is one of the best and most cost-effective forms to traffic affiliate marketing offers and is a stable revenue source for publishers who offer their users free content and are also looking to generate profit.
Popunders are more subtle, they appear inconspicuously below the browser window. The user can finish his business, close the tab, and only then see the ad. The likelihood that the user will skim through the content of the page is much higher than that of a popup, which they immediately try to close.
Onclick popunder ads received their name due to the fact they are triggered when the user clicks but also scrolls down the website, that’s the event the popunder network is looking for to trigger a popunder ad.
Popunder networks might serve an old-fashioned ad format, but the tech behind them has progressed as much as the best programmatic ad platforms did. In today’s pop advertising world you can retarget and segment audience, schedule and allocate budgets and enjoy 2nd bid models as much as you do with RTB.
The first advantage of pop traffic is that it’s cheap. When media buyers want to test if an offer converts well, they start with running cheap popunder traffic flowing to those offers, if that traffic generates a few conversions it makes it easier for media buyers to scale their offers with more popunder traffic or mix in other ad networks or ad formats.
So in this scenario pop traffic acts as both a conversion generator but also as a QA tool that tests the offer with volume traffic, as experienced affiliate marketers know that with some offers no matter what you do, they won’t convert. Pop traffic allows you to easily check an offer’s potential with minimal spending and maximum clicks.
Not only for redirects and URLs, if you work with an advertiser or affiliate network that would like you to run a banner ad code on your website, but you can also extract a link from it and use it in the AffiliTest tracking link tool, or you can use the whole banner ad code and input it in the HTML Tag form.
Using HTML tag will allow you to both see the redirections occurring while. the tag is loaded but also screenshots of what users in the pre-defined targeting see when they encounter this banner ad network script.
EZmob acquires hundreds of publishers daily from around the world and serves all qualified inventory to potential advertisers who are willing to pay extra for it in the form of CPV, CPC, or CPM.
We gather a huge number of publishers. In order to provide potential advertisers with the necessary amount of inventory at a premium price or through an auction. Advertisers utilize the popunder network campaign management platform to set up pop ads, which are then automatically distributed to the publisher’s available inventory.
These online advertising solutions offer advertisers the flexibility to create multiple campaigns. It helps to consolidate campaign performance reporting metrics. In addition, advertisers have the option to customize their campaigns based on their desired CPC, Impressions, and Per Action (CPA).
Publishers utilize popunder networks to monetize the inventory they cannot monetize in other ways for a number of reasons, for example, publishers whose content includes adult images or videos, download sites, and other niches may not be accepted to work with EZoic or Google Ad Sense, popunder networks provide publishers with high eCPMs and 100% fill rates that allow publishers to keep operating with profit.
While the primary purpose of self-serve ad networks is to enable publishers to sell their available inventory, they also provide many benefits for advertisers in the following ways.
So self-serve ad networks enable advertisers with control and scalability over ad campaigns they run on such platforms.
While both types of pop ads are great ad formats, they each have their own strengths.
Pop-ups are less straightforward than popunders, and this can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. Opening a new browser window without interrupting the user experience provides a better experience for landing page visitors. Some users can’t be more annoyed than being forced to stop reading content or browsing a web page in order to close pop-up ads. But it may also take them a while to get to that hidden advertisement.
In short, pop-up ads have their advantages:
It gives the user a choice if they want to watch ads and when.
Great for building brand awareness.
Generate quality traffic.
And their disadvantages:
✘ Harder to spot on mobile.
✘ They are not immediately visible.
✘ Not as widely available as pop-ups.
On the other hand, pop-up ads are very straightforward. They are part of an intermittent marketing strategy. Pop-up ads open in a new window on top of any website the user is browsing. They are not hidden, but become visible as soon as they are launched by the browser and opened on a new browser screen.
Here are some benefits of pop-up traffic:
Immediately visible
Impossible to miss.
And some disadvantages:
✘ Invasive.
✘ May appear aggressive.
✘ Less focus on user experience.
In practice, the two types of pop work best when mixed together. Each user is different and they are treated to different forms of advertising. That’s why it’s often better to try the same campaign with more than one ad type. And pop-up ads will be a good addition to any other format.
Including a large number of advertising channels ensures that you achieve the highest possible conversion rate.
Your launch-pad-marketing, EZmob’s self-serve interface enables you to easily configure and launch popunder campaigns of various ad formats such as Pop, Push, Native, and Display ads.
Understand how competitive you are with real-time win-rate and traffic estimator reports, limit your campaign daily and total budgets, and employ automation.
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