How to advertise with pop traffic – A guide

  • A pop up is an ad that appears out of nowhere, interrupting your user’s web experience and irritate them potentially. However, did you know that a pop-up may become a practical addition to your site, not to mention it helps your user move down into the sales funnel?

This post aims to share crucial tips on how to advertise with pop traffic. Are you ready? Let’s get started!

Importance of Pop-Ups

Pop-ups are considered a multifunctional tool, helping you convert traffic on your site and provide you marketing leads.

  • Lower bounce rate

Most marketers utilize pop-ups, requesting users to share a phone number, email address, or other details to communicate further. That pop-up normally shows when a user is about to leave the site or close the tab.

  • Support certain content

The major purpose of pop-ups is to produce leads. But did you know you can also market a case study, guide, or ebook relevant to the page your visitor is on? Doing so will highlight your expertise in the field and help your audience solve their concerns.

  • Produce more subscribers

Suppose your website has many visitors, but you don’t know how to get them involved with your brand. Fortunately, a pop-up subscription form where visitors can give their email addresses does the magic.

Best Tips When Using Pop-Ups

You will find several tips that will help you on how to advertise with pop traffic with EZMob.

     1. Use the perfect reward 

Make sure you use pop-ups that add value to your content. A good example of this is when a user reads a content about DIY projects. It would be great if you’ll provide a video guide on how to begin a DIY project.

     2. Guarantee proper pop-up timing

Do not be afraid to test repeatedly. Do you consider adding a pop-up to your website? Feel free to try various time frames for a pop-up to show. You need to depend on real data instead of assumptions.

     3. Optimize the ads for mobile purposes

Remember that an appropriate pop-up for mobile is essential for converting mobile traffic. Having a responsive pop-up made for desktops may not offer the best mobile user experience.

Hence, ensure you provide a mobile-first version optimized for user experience and adapts itself to your website’s desktop version.

  • Make it lightweight

Another tip on how to advertise with pop traffic is to make your pop-up less unexpected. Make sure you select the same background color as on your covered page. Try to use small texts and make the call-to-action button color identical to the links within the article.

  • Supplement user experience

One way to do this is by showing a pop-up that allows communication through email. Remember that even when the user reads the page until the end, they tend to leave after finding what they are seeking.

There you have it! Which of these tips on how to advertise with pop traffic would you start doing today? EZmob hope you find this post informative and helpful at the same time!

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