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What does buying traffic mean?

Buying traffic is an inclusive term; in this article, we’ll review a few examples of what that means when trying to promote your website, app, or affiliate offers online.

Starting with the latter, traffic means visitors or web users that reach your pre-defined landing page or the result of your marketing campaign. Buying can be done in many different models, so when someone is ‘buying traffic,’ it usually means there are live ad campaigns and delivering said ‘traffic’ to a results-oriented landing page.

Is buying traffic a good idea?

Like any other profession, media buyers base their buy on factors before choosing an ad network to cooperate with. When done right, media buying or traffic buying is the best short-term strategy to boost your website’s inventory or convert affiliate offers and be able to scale fast when you find that golden opportunity.

Where can I buy traffic from?

EZmob is a self-serve ad network specializing in any advertiser client. By giving our clients the tools to manage campaigns independently, we walk them through each step and advise them on what works best on our platform, matching quality traffic sources with converting campaigns. There are many similar alternatives, from Google to BuySellAds; each ad network has its specialty, whether a specific vertical or niche audience or a technology stack that allows other advanced targeting features.

First, you need to understand what buying traffic is not. It is not buying web traffic generated by bots or paying people to visit your site. You will not get anything positive from such actions, the conversion rate will not increase, and the money will be wasted.

Buying traffic is an investment of money to attract the target audience’s attention so that, in the future, this activity will bring income, not a loss. This is advertising on various sources interacting with your target audience.

This traffic is the opposite of organic traffic and is paid. Organic traffic is powered by content marketing and SEO. Users searched for something themselves, and you appeared in their recommendations without paying for it.

Paid traffic has many more advantages than organic traffic, and this is what makes it popular. The advantage of paid traffic is that you can quickly attract a large audience with less effort. With organic traffic, things are much worse because you must put in a lot of effort, but attention to your site is still not guaranteed. With paid traffic, you can achieve high conversion rates. Hundreds and thousands of users with just one click.

Recommendations for buying traffic that is high-converting

You need to know how to purchase traffic correctly to avoid many mistakes. As simple as it sounds, many nuances will help you get it right and keep you from wasting money. Follow the tips below, and you will be surprised that buying high-converting traffic is easier than you think.

Find out who your target audience is

What is more critical for you is to pay a lot and show ads to every person who visits the Internet or to a certain circle of people interested in your offer. The choice is obvious. Ad impressions only for a specific interested target audience will increase your conversion. You need to know your potential customers, for example, their age, gender, location, place of work, income, interests, etc.

Where to get this data? It’s simple.

  • You need to analyze your current customer base.

This data can be found through customer surveys – they can be attracted in different ways, offering benefits or exclusive coupons. Or you can use a less effective but good and standard analytics tool like Google Analytics.

  • Competitor analysis

A lot can be learned from competitors: what audience they are targeting, how they attract customers, where they place their ads, and what they are losing sight of.

  • Come up with an image of your client.

It would be best if you became one to understand your client better than anyone else. Thanks to the survey data done earlier, this will be much easier. Provide a detailed image of your client through your lens – what offers might interest you?

Create 3-4 characters with different characteristics: different gender, ages, and nationalities. All criteria depend entirely on the niche and the type of your business.

  • Decide who exactly does not fit the criteria of your target audience

It’s not just about clients who don’t hold your criteria. And about those who correspond to them but are not interested in your product.

If you know your target audience well, you will always win by creating the right ad and buying traffic correctly.

Your content must meet the buyer’s expectations

There are several stages at which the client decides to purchase a product or service.

Well-structured content will help speed up the customer’s favorable decision in your favor. And you won’t be mistaken by buying traffic.

At the first stage of awareness, the client understands that he needs what you offer, but he still doubts the appropriateness. At this stage, giving complete introductory information describing how you can cover his need is essential.

In the second stage, the client begins to consider proposals and the choice of a company that will carry out this venture.

This is the stage of choosing among many companies that suits you the best or will interest you more than others. Working out good content, video, and text format with solid calls to action is essential at this stage.

At the last stage, the customer is ready to buy. It is essential to focus on closing the trade. Describe all your benefits, ratings, sales, and prices. You need to make sure that visitors know how to become a customer and add calls to action “Sign up,” “Get a quote,” “Shop now.” It is also essential that the buying process be as easy and accessible as possible. There must be product photos, prices, and product reviews.

Each placement stage is essential. This will require more effort, but the client should be familiar with the last and initial steps. The result will be worth the investment.

Identify and track KPIs for buying traffic

  • This is necessary to understand how effectively you are working. If the result is unsatisfactory, you should consider what to change to improve the outcome. After all, what was initially planned does not always coincide with the final result. Therefore, it is essential to monitor the indicators.

Such as return on ad spend, clicks, cost per conversion, customer acquisition cost, conversion rates, impression, reach, etc.

Try a different approach

  • Flexibility is essential for good results. If you are not adapting to situations and not looking for new approaches, then prepare for the appropriate return. Building the correct chain of relevant interactions in this niche would be best.
  • Researching your KPI metrics will help you with the proper optimization. Testing different channels, calls to action, and audiences is essential. This way, it will be clear what works best for your audience.

Converting web traffic for buying: How does it work?

  • The site must match your marketing efforts.
  • The page’s design should attract the visitor, and the content should interest them in further acquaintance with the site. In turn, the buying process should be simple and enjoyable.
  • Also, update your mailing list. Perhaps visitors will not be interested in your offer at the moment, but they will get acquainted with the new information and may return to you for suggestions in the future.
  • The combination of all factors will provide you with a good flow of visitors, leading to an increase in the number of potential customers. Thus, your advertising costs will pay off and be multiplied.

Where is the high-converting traffic sold? Which platforms are the best to run campaigns with? Here are the top matches!


EZmob is a Display and Mobile Advertising Network. We provide monetization for website owners and SSPs and enable advertisers, agencies, and app developers to access over 1 Billion users.

EZmob is giving robust technology, a unique audience approach, and disruptive creative formats to enable brands and agencies to maximize the performance of their global CTV, video, and display advertising. Worldwide coverage allows clients to scale with a steady conversion rate.

You can create and launch effective ad campaigns, track, monitor, and optimize to scale your conversions in one easy-to-use self-serve advertiser interface.

Also, you can launch your campaign from $50 to whatever your budget allows. Whether you are a media buyer needing hands-on self-serve control and real-time analytics, a brand with hard KPIs and goals, or an ad network looking for a more premium supply, we can support your demand.

EZmob’s self-serve interface enables you to easily configure and launch online campaigns of various ad formats such as Pop, Push, Native, and Display ads.

Facebook Ads

Ads are displayed on social networks: Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, etc.

A vast audience can be reached here. This option is discreet and will not annoy users like pop-ups.

Participation is a kind of auction; you will be charged for impressions and clicks.

Google Ads

Google is the search engine used by almost everyone in the world. Keywords are a great way to reach the right audience.

You can target an audience based on age, location, gender, and device type. Also, you can target people with relevant browser history and remarket people who visited your website but did not convert.

Google Ads works on a PPC (pay-per-click) basis.


This ad network has reliable targeting options, many publishers, and impressions per day. You can set up a black-and-white list for publishers and display times. Аd formats are pop-unders, push notifications, banners, native ads, videos, and a unique social bar offering even more ad formats. You can buy high-converting traffic on a CPM, CPC, CPA, CPL, or CPI basis.


It is an ad network that covers a large number of countries. Thanks to it, you get high-converting traffic. An important point is the ad fraud detection tool, which will protect you from ad blocking and allow you to reach a large audience.

Bot traffic: what is it and how to avoid it

This is the easiest way to monetize websites among cheating publishers. These are not customers visiting your site.

Bot traffic does not make sense because visiting the site is not carried out by living people and does not carry any value for you, and resources will be wasted.

EZmob can help you to increase website traffic with real people!

Buying high-converting traffic is not difficult; the main thing is to know where to buy it. Define your target audience, and test and optimize your campaigns. Now you know how to do it and the top platforms that will help you. Our recommendation is to register on EZmob. This enables you to easily configure and launch online campaigns of various ad formats suitable for your needs.

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